week 15
*music still need to be change+vol / quality of music present and past or music that they like
*story can be complexed for challenge
*character distinctive
hard to tell if it’s the same character because of the lack of detail(may be down to 2 versions as well ,or hair color/shorter hair)
too many version(maybe down to 2 versions.?and color of his hair)
*the written bottle pill(may be see or hand foreground that the character takes the pill?)
*color tone to tell differently between past and present (may be add more contrast like warm and cold tone)
shots sheet update : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uC4-185G9r-27IJf7VbhzrZUb4HqBTPHlpjv_QC5Fes/edit?usp=sharing
what I fix in this animatic for now
>bottle pill shot remove letter on pill bottle and added hand pop up pill
>test shot hair / long hair
>fixed father's design
added new shot : school locker
added animation : priest shot
short hair : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lpFHYThdr92K_h8gm7IuZi7ZmXIg5mEl
long hair : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t9IB8jOk5_4Ud1vwwDyMLah18CEmyKY0
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